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Found 46 blog entries tagged as "home".

Mortgage Rates Increase in Chattanooga

For the first time in nearly a decade, America’s interest rates have seen an increase. 

The rate hike is a small one—with the Federal Reserve raising rates on December 17, 2015 from a range of 0% to 0.25% to a range of 0.25% to 0.5%—but will have an impact on many new home buyers. 

Although the increase isn’t a welcomed change for investors and home buyers, it’s a good indicator of the economy healing and becoming stronger since the Great Recession. Thankfully the unemployment rate is now at 5%, as opposed to 10% in 2009 during the worst of the job crisis. Now that more than 12 million jobs have been added since the recession and wages are finally beginning to creep upward, the economy is looking much better than it has the last few years. 

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Live in a piece of local history at the Old Graysville Grist Mill! This beautiful Ringgold, Georgia property is a perfect option for a residence, restaurant, bed and breakfast, or retail space. 

Originally built in 1849, the mill was burned during the Civil War and then rebuilt. It continued to operate as a grist mill until the 1950s until it was rebuilt and served as a residence from 1987-1993. 

Located on 24.8 acres, this historic property is accessible via a private suspension bridge with a half mile of scenic frontage on the Chickamauga Creek, as well as a railroad track. Enjoy spectacular views of your own 8-foot waterfall! Enjoy endless possibilities that include rooftop dining, lazy river, canoe, fishing, paddle boarding and at this…

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There are very few things more stressful than moving. It’s no small task to gather up years of life in one home to start fresh in another. But moving doesn’t have to be an overwhelming experience. With a bit of organization and pre-planning, you can make your next move go without a hitch! 

Here are our top 7 tips for a stress-free move. Also be sure to download our checklist to see step by step what should be done in the months, weeks and days leading up to your move: Ultimate Moving Checklist PDF. 

1. Start collecting supplies sooner rather than later

You should start packing as soon as your moving date is inked on the calendar. But you can’t very well do that if you don’t have the supplies you need. There is nothing more annoying than being…

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Many homeowners want to know how much their home is worth—and understandably so! Whether they intend to sell in the near future or are wondering how much added value their home improvements have created, most homeowners want to know just how much their home is worth in today’s market. 

Unfortunately, there is no simple answer to this question, and it definitely can’t be answered with a visit to an internet site. Finding out how much your home is worth is a complex process that shouldn’t be done without the advice of a local Realtor who is familiar with the market. 

Here are some FAQs we receive from homeowners to help you on the way of finding out the value of your home: 

Q. Can I determine my home’s value from an internet website? 


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Many of us have had the same thought when considering the move from apartment life to purchasing our first home: “The mortgage payment would be the same/cheaper than my rent!”

Although on paper that may be correct, there are several other costs that come with being a homeowner that may not be so obvious. So, how much house can you actually afford? 

Here are some of the hidden costs of homeownership that you should consider when deciding on a budget for your first home. 


The concept of paying for utilities probably isn’t new, since you most likely had to budget for that in addition to rent. However, the cost of heating and cooling a small apartment versus a larger home can be a significant jump. Go ahead and factor in this…

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Good photography can make the difference between a home selling in weeks or selling in months. Although real estate photographers are skilled in making your home look its best, they’re not miracle workers. The photos representing your home should give potential buyers a true feel for the space—without having to imagine what it could look like without your clutter.

Follow our top five tips below for getting your home real estate photo ready and prepared to sell! 

1. Clean and declutter

One of the most important ways to get your home ready for photos is to clean and declutter. Having too many items filling a room makes your space look small and chaotic. One creative way to declutter is to try your hand at the 12-12-12 Challenge. Every day up…

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